Sobre Mim

Sou psicoterapeuta qualificado e credenciado pela Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP). Trabalho com adultos e adolescentes (16+) em Dublin, Irlanda. Sou especialista em ansiedade, trauma complexo, sexualidade e questões LGBTIQA+. Também trabalho com uma variedade de questões, incluindo depressão, luto e luto, doença crônica (HIV), exploração de identidade, questões de apego, questões masculinas, exploração de identidade, preocupações existenciais, entre outras.
Minha abordagem é integrativa e baseia-se em várias tradições, como Terapia Centrada na Pessoa, Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental (TCC), Terapia Psicodinâmica e Terapia Relacional-Cultural. Minha abordagem também é profundamente informada por princípios de Justiça Social, como, por exemplo: antirracismo, feminismo, abordagem afirmativa em relação LGBTQIA+ e neurodivergência. Meu estilo é gentil e solidário, permitindo que você decida o ritmo do nosso trabalho e o que é mais importante discutir. Na minha prática, encontro-me com clientes pelo menos uma vez por semana. Devido à natureza do trabalho, é importante que os clientes compareçam regularmente.
Tenho plena consciência de que fazer terapia exige coragem e nem sempre é fácil se abrir para o outro. Abordo cada pessoa que vem me ver com interesse genuíno, aceitação, calor e compaixão, e forneço um ambiente seguro no qual o eu autêntico pode ser nutrido e permitido florescer.
Ofereço terapia em Inglês e Português.
- BA (Hons.) Social Communication - Advertising and Marketing
- Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Certificate in Mindfulness
- BA (Hons.) Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy
- Diploma in Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy for Adolescents
- IACP - Irish Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
- WPATH - World Professional Association for Transgender Health
We offer three ways to provide a therapy session.
Appointments & Pricing.
- Each session can last approx. 50-60 minutes on the session. In my practice, I meet
with clients at least once per week. Due to the nature of the work, it is important
that clients attend regularly. - The cost of a therapy session is €70 euros.
- For those who are unemployed and/or students, I offer a reduced-cost service.
- Psychotherapy Students who are completing personal therapy hours for training €60
One on One
Individual psychotherapy is a joint process between a therapist and a person in therapy. Common goals of therapy can be to inspire change or improve quality of life.
Online Sessions
Online therapy can be a good option for people who cannot access care due to location, health, or transportation issues. Online therapy may be offered as a standalone treatment.
Walk and Talk
Walk and talk therapy is a unique approach that combines the benefits of traditional talk therapy with mild exercise. Let’s enjoy nature rather than sitting indoors.
Frequently Asked Questions.
What Kind of Problems Can I Get Help With?
How Do I Choose The Right Therapy For Me?
How Do I Know Therapy Can Help Me?
How Much Will Therapy Cost?
How Many Sessions Will I Need?
How Long Does A Session Last?
How Often Will I Attend A Counsellor or Psychotherapist?
Is There A Difference Between Counselling And Psychotherapy?
This causes a lot of confusion for clients and that is mainly because counselling and psychotherapy can often describe a similar experience. Broadly speaking, counselling is often used to describe where a client is working on a particular issue that is currently happening in their life and may be for a shorter period of time. Psychotherapy is often used to describe where clients work on issues that often relate to events that may originate in their past but are also affecting the person in their life now, and so can require deeper explorations. In reality, it is often hard to distinguish between the two approaches and all of our therapists are trained to work according to what the client needs and wants.
What Happens If I Need to Cancel a Session?
Is My Counsellor or Psychotherapist Properly Qualified?

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday: 9am – 9pm
Latest Articles
Here is a selection of my latest articles relating to achieving greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, ownership, better relationships, and more control over your life. I will be updating these on a regular basis.