Our services can help with a wide range of issues. These include bereavement & grief, trauma, depression, suicide ideation, anxiety, relationship issues, LGBTQ+, gender issues, chronic illness (HIV) and self-esteem.

We offer three ways to provide a therapy session.

Appointments & Pricing.

  • Each session can last approx. 50-60 minutes on the session. In my practice, I meet
    with clients at least once per week. Due to the nature of the work, it is important
    that clients attend regularly.
  • The cost of a therapy session is €70 euros.
  • For those who are unemployed and/or students, I offer a reduced-cost service.
  • Psychotherapy Students who are completing personal therapy hours for training €60

One on One

Individual psychotherapy is a joint process between a therapist and a person in therapy. Common goals of therapy can be to inspire change or improve quality of life.

Online Sessions

Online therapy can be a good option for people who cannot access care due to location, health, or transportation issues. Online therapy may be offered as a standalone treatment.

Walk and Talk

Walk and talk therapy is a unique approach that combines the benefits of traditional talk therapy with mild exercise. Let’s enjoy nature rather than sitting indoors.

What Can Therapy Help With?

Bereavement & Grief

Bereavement and grief aren’t the same thing. They sometimes act in similar ways or can overlap, but they’re two distinct things that are dealt with differently. Grief is universal. At some point in everyone’s life, there will be at least one encounter with grief.

It may be from the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the end of a relationship, or any other change that alters life as you know it. Grief is also very personal. It’s not very neat or linear. It doesn’t follow any timelines or schedules. You may cry, become angry, withdraw, feel empty. None of these things are unusual or wrong.

Everyone grieves differently, but there are some commonalities in the stages and the order of feelings experienced during grief. Bereavement is what defines the period of time after loss. This includes the time in which grief is experienced and mourning occurs. Sometimes the words bereavement, grief, and mourning can be used to mean the same thing.

Trauma | PTSD

Any event that involves exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence has the potential to be traumatic. Almost everyone who experiences trauma will be emotionally affected, but not everyone will respond in the same way. Most people will recover within the first week or two with the help of family and friends. For some, the effects can be long lasting. 


Most people go through periods of feeling down. When you have clinical depression you feel sad for weeks or months, not just a few days. Those who suffer from depression experience persistent feelings of sadness and hopelessness and loose interest in activities they once enjoyed. Aside from the emotional problems caused by depression, individuals can also present with a physical symptom such as chronic pain or digestive issues. To be diagnosed with depression, symptoms must be present for at least two weeks.


Anxiety is a feeling everyone experiences at some stage. It can be a normal emotional response to stressful situations. It can help us prepare for challenges, like starting a new job, giving a presentation, or worrying about an awkward social occasion. While anxiety is an everyday feeling, it can become a problem when there is no obvious reason for that anxiety, or when anxious feelings persist for more than a couple of weeks. If you experience more than one of the following, over a couple of weeks or longer, you may need some extra support.


LGBTQIA+ people seek psychotherapy at high rates, and the importance of providing culturally appropriate and LGBTQIA+ psychotherapy has been widely acknowledged. Individuals who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender, non-binary, queer, or intersex, as well as those who express same-sex or gender attractions or behaviours, will have experiences across their life course that differ from those of cisgender and heterosexual individuals. Characteristics such as age, race and ethnicity, and geographic location intersect to play a distinct role in the challenges.

Chronic illness (HIV)

More people than ever are living with chronic illness, for a variety of reasons. More of us are living to advanced ages, and we all tend to accumulate health problems as we get older. Medical care has improved, which means that more people survive serious accidents or bouts of disease, and find themselves living with a chronic condition afterwards, and medication is better, which means that many conditions, such as HIV/AIDS, which used to be a death sentence, can now be managed with medication, and become chronic, rather than fatal health issues

Low self-esteem

Low self-esteem means not thinking much of yourself as a person, or not holding yourself in high regard. If you have low self-esteem you might not feel confident or capable, may feel anxious, and may criticise yourself harshly. Psychologists think that underneath feelings of low self-esteem are the negative beliefs and opinions we hold about ourselves. Some people know that their negative judgement of themselves is too harsh, other people hold onto these beliefs so strongly that they can feel like facts. Fortunately, there are helpful psychological approaches for improving your self-esteem.

Multicultural Therapy

Multicultural therapy addresses the concerns of those whose race, ethnicity, religion, gender identification, income, disability, or other social factor falls outside of the majority. Issues that arise for minority groups, such as oppression, racism, and marginalisation, are relevant and recognised. The therapist is more culturally aware, and there is more emphasis on individualism than in some traditional therapy settings that take a more universal approach. Multicultural therapy is a form of talk therapy, but it may be combined with therapies that involve other activities, such as art or music, if these interventions can help clients communicate better


There are many healthy ways to relieve stress. Multiple methods can also be used together. This can help people relieve stress that affects them at different levels, like physically and emotionally. Therapy can help address stress that occurs as a result of life events. Stress can also come from other mental health conditions like anxiety, PTSD, or addictions. These conditions are also treatable with therapy. Stress if not addressed can lead to drug abuse, chronic illness or pain, lack of pleasure or relaxation, or otherwise negatively affects well-being, meeting with a mental health professional can help.


Opening Hours

Monday – Friday: 9am – 9pm

Weekends & Public Holidays – Open when required

Contact Details



106 Capel St,
Dublin 1,
D01 WY40

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Latest Articles

Here is a selection of my latest articles relating to achieving greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, ownership, better relationships, and more control over your life. I will be updating these on a regular basis. 

Grief & Complicated Grief
Grief can be an extremely painful process. It’s something all of us have experienced, or will experience, in our lives. Losing someone or something you love is difficult.

Do you have any questions about therapy? Please read my FAQ's page.

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The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination. What I am is good enough if I would only be it openly”. Carl Rogers

Contact Info

106 Capel St,
Dublin 1,
D01 WY40
© 2021 Leo Cruz Councelling & Psychotherapist